Terre Hill Composites' cured-in-place products safeguard your underground structures against groundwater infiltration and H2S corrosion. Prolonged
corrosive action by carbonic and sulfuric acids dissolves mortar and cement, and weakens steel, jeopardizing the present and future integrity of even
new underground structures. This includes wet wells, manholes, vaults, chemical tanks, wastewater treatment plants, and virtually any type of exposed
concrete. Suncoast Infrastructure, along with Terre Hill Composites, can now extend the life of your present system and add years of service without
costly digging or lengthy interruption-all while conserving community budgets.
Multiplexx PVCP liner system forms a chemically stable barrier between corrosive gases and water infiltration. Unlike other adhesives or cementitious
coatings, Terre Hill liners form a reinforced vessel that is designed to act in concert with the existing structure. Terre Hill Composites liners are
easily applied to a range of various types and sizes of underground structures. Additional layers of fiberglass and polyester can be added to provide
more thickness to withstand high ground water pressures and other factors affecting structural integrity. Performance is backed by a 10-year, non-prorated warranty.