Safety starts at the top. Weekly organizational meetings are held and safety performance is discussed at each one of these meetings. Specifics of all major lost
time accidents and the overall record of the various departments are discussed at the weekly meetings.
Suncoast Infrastructure, Inc. has a Safety Department which answers directly to the president of the company. This department is responsible for safety
training of all personnel and compiling statistics for all of the departments. Suncoast Infrastructure, Inc. safety officials hold safety meetings with
safety training for all foremen and superintendents.
Weekly on-the-job “Tool Box/Safety Training” meetings are held at the workplace to discuss safety concerns with the hourly employees and subcontractors.
These talks are arranged by the project supervisor and company safety personnel are encouraged to attend. All foremen and superintendents go through an
OSHA training course and hold current Red Cross Emergency First Aid training cards.
Suncoast Infrastructure, Inc. Safety Department officials conduct routine inspections of all of the jobsites. They inspect all aspects of the
workplace and see that the work is being constructed in a safe manner. These officials will insist on immediate remedies to any unsafe conditions
which may exist and have the authority to halt work until any unsafe condition is corrected. Suncoast Infrastructure, Inc. has a "Safety Manual"
which is given to our foremen and superintendents. This manual is kept available for ready review at the jobsite and compliance with procedures outlined in
this manual is mandatory for all employees.
Drug testing is mandatory for all new employees. Suncoast Infrastructure, Inc. also requires post-accident drug testing, as well as the possibility of
random testing done on an unannounced basis. Through constant reminders, daily practice and a strong commitment to “keeping it safe,” safety remains JOB
ONE at Suncoast Infrastructure, Inc.
Our territory includes: Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, East Texas, West Tennessee, Alabama and Florida Panhandle.
Contact us for more info.
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